It is a process of registering your product to enrol it in the regularities and laws of the country in the country in which that falls. It is a legal procedure which binds the owner of that business and product to abide by the laws and legally contribute to the society in which the product is in the market. The prerequisites for registering the product are various in different countries and mainly is the detailed analytical report of that product and basic documents to regulate into laws.
The product needs to be legalised in that country so that it is liable and answerable to the laws in which the product is being sold. Like Muslims countries, if you are planning to start a pork business or for that matter alcohol business, the laws are strict and it will take several scrutiny steps to clear for marketing. And the country hold all the rights to see all the products reaching the end consumer.
It is a beneficial act for the consumer and the owner of the product both. It gives rights to both to facilitate them to progress in the market and for customers to receive a well-furnished product to consume.
First of all , it effectively controls the quality of that product which is monitored through well calculated team planning and parameters of the company .By this it is a deterrence for the product manufacturers to focus on refined quality without any anomalies.
When a company focuses on the quality and spends its resources on it , automatically it makes some plan to manage it and plan it in a way to assist the locals to get it at desired rates with max effective quality and distribution process.
By virtue of strict parameters discussed above the government is easily capable to audit the product formalities and self-audit is also effective in terms of any self-improvement related to marketing of that product.
It’s a detailed procedure which helps the applicants to launch any product and grant them the rights to protect it in that country. The company will ensure its all legal framework activities to avoid being subjected to and legal suit on trap in any misfortunes. In Dubai due to strict laws, all beauty products which include creams, lotions etc. are imported, exported, sold and purchased when the product is registered.
Our team professionals will add the value added service but a proper cancelling and guided sessions to launch the product and formulate a detailed plan to check out the legalities in products registration. HA Group Business Setup Services will look after the whole process to ensure protection of the product under all Dubai laws.
Registering a product is a lengthy process but in the end the product owner is facilitated with many benefits. Dubai safety and health departments of the Dubai Municipality process the registration process. Therefore these important bodies of government may be approached timely to get facilitated[Ma1] by the licence and agreements. However following steps are to be followed to get it registered :
The first step will be to find the regulatory authority which deals with the type of product you want to introduce in the market or in case register. The relevant authority will oversee your product in detail because in Dubai there are several authorities in which several products fall.
Several basic documents will be required by the authority to seamlessly engage themselves with the product and analyse it before getting it fully registered. The documents will include manufacturer information about the product, quality certificates by international recognized agencies, safety data sheets, and test reports from viable and certified labs, proof of compliance with the international standards.
In some cases there is a need for local interference for smooth functioning of the process and liaison. For those products the company provides special care in taking a local into confidence to assist them in the documentation process.
After completion of all the clearance from relevant authorities, the application is submitted with all the attached documents for product registration. The key point is to ensure the collection and submission of documents and the documents are submitted in relevant authority to avoid any delay and hampering the situation at last stages.
Some products required testing and evaluation to process it and required proper chemical tests for the safety of the locals. Testing if desired by the authority will be conducted in authorised labs in Dubai and reports will be submitted to the officials.
Regulating authority will start evaluating the documents and start its assessment before giving them a final approval. If the product meets the required international standards then approval is given and the product is registered.
The registration fees are linked with the fees. Company will also ensure that all the fees will be received with the officials to get clearance for final issuance of licence.
Once the product is successfully registered, the licence with all the certificates will be issued to the concerned for proper launching of the product in the global market. Will all the legal cover the product ready to be marketed and sold to the customers unless the owner compromises the quality of the product which was shown in sampling.
It is stressful sometimes to see a complex registration process which is time consuming. Our company will ensure maximum guidance during the process to make it simple and easy to handle for a smooth and successful launch of a product. Sometimes regulations and laws vary state to state, so at times it is sometimes catchy to detect the changes.
It is of vital importance to register all the products which are coming to market in Dubai to play fairly into the system and also for the betterment of the eco of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). But for guidance any product which comes in overall health care, beauty, cosmetics and effect the appearance of any human comes under this law and must be registered with relevant authorities. There are mainly three categories which will be discussed:
Cosmetics , Foods and health care items related to pets ( cats , dogs , etc.) , Disinfectants chemicals in form of sprays and perfumes , detergents for clothing care , food supplements for human growth and deficiencies , Food products of all types , herbal products used in some medicines and healing procedures , electronic goods which directly or indirectly affect the human efficiency and involvement , sports equipment of all categories , and a large variety of pharmacy products.
All the above products are sensitive to human beings and can affect them directly if they are not checked for their quality. May be in the above categories some products are prohibited which will be told by relevant authorities about their restricted sale and purchase.
Some items are not authorised to get registered in any agency in Dubai. But licences of them are granted on extreme compensation grounds to facilitate the global market. Some of the important products are alcohol of all types, rough diamonds selling / purchase, media material, the material used in making nuclear energy.
Being a Muslim country some products are strictly banned in product registration category which law don’t permit in any compassionate ground even. Some of them includes narcotics drugs (it will affect the society values and crime rate etc and forbidden in Dubai to be traded), swine (as per Islamic values and teachings eating swine is haram so at no circumstances selling / purchase of wine is allowed), gambling tools are also not allowed to get registered, certain food additive and chemical which one way or the other is harmful for consumers, nylon fishing nets.
Registration of a new permitted product in Dubai is an imperative process which in later stages ensures the quality and reliability of the product in the market, coming under all quality standards and legalities. All the vital steps to follow in true letter and spirit to get facilitated by the system not to get harmed by fake certificates consequences at later stages. Marvellous documentation by HA will facilitate the comprehensive process and registration of the product in a smooth manner.
Engaging with a local company will facilitate and aid in all the dealing and cover the language barriers and make it easy to understand all the implications and requirements. However, a vigilance factor must be focused upon by the help of the company in which you are as a client to fully formulate the strategy from application submission to launching of product in the market.
Dubai is the gateway which can be used properly and can open success avenues in future!